Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Keeping the Dream Alive

Keeping Your Dream Alive

I have a dream...you have a dream, but how do we keep the dream alive..and more importantly how do we achieve these dreams.  It's normal to go through life with changing goals and desires, but how often do they get abandoned because life bogs us down? If you are like me (and most people) even with the best intentions life can get in the way and get us off track.  I will outline just a few easy tips for staying on track to reaching your goals.

Tracking Progress:

This is an important tool to not only keep us on track but to show us how far we have come.  There are times I will find myself down about not being farther along in my business. I have tracked my progress since the begging of starting my business and it helps me to see how far I have come. Seeing how far you have come will help you to see that your dream is worth the additional effort to keep forging ahead. Creating a template for tracking progress will be dependent on the specific goals you are looking to achieve. For the goals in my Young Living business I track my commission check, members in my group and my group volume.  For weight-loss goals you may want to track your measurements,weight, and fitness ability.  If you have goals of becoming debt-free you can track spending, payments made, and current balances.  You can track your progress online, on a computer, or in a journal...honestly how ever it works for you!  Here are a few journals I really like to use: Passion Planner and Five Minute Journal.  

Clear (obtainable) Goals:

I think this may be the most important and crucial part of achieving your dreams.  We can all say "I want to work from home and support my family" or "I want to lose 20 lbs" but without those small goals that get us to our desired outcome we are left scratching our heads when things don't change overnight.  Like all goals they need to be measurable, reasonable, and obtainable.  When setting goals for my business for instance "I am going to schedule four classes and two Facebook classes in October".  Now  I would love to host 10 classes in a month but it is not realistic for me, but it may be for someone else. Without clear steps we will find ourselves unsure of how to reach our goals and start to give up on that dream. A great way to set clear and obtainable goals is to figure out how much time you can dedicate to your dream.  If you have an hour a day then make a commitment on how you are going to spend it. For example for a weight-loss goal you may go for a 30 min walk and spend 30 minutes meal prepping.  It is important that you know what needs to change in your daily life and what habits you need to incorporate to reach our goals. I love this article on setting goals check it out.

Find Your Tribe:

I love my Young Living peeps, not only do they keep me motivated but they have great ideas of how to reach my goals in ways I would have never thought of! One tip I have always heard is to find a friend to keep you accountable.  This buddy system can be a great resource and also a way to share in the ups and downs of achieving our dreams. Participating with others will make this journey fun and accountability to another person does make it harder to give up on goals. Finding your tribe may take a few steps; you can search on Facebook or other social media for a group with similar goals to yours. If you can't find a group than make one, it's simple and can be the best way to tailor fit a group to your goals.  Here are a few sites to help you find your ideal group Meetup.com and Facebook Groups!

Your WHY:

It is totally normal to start off on a journey toward your dreams with an amazing vision of greatness, and then run out of steam somewhere along the way.  Often without a defined "why" we can lose sight of why we started on this journey in the fist place. Write you "why" down (more then once) and remember it often.  Will your "why" change...Yes, because once you have succeeded you will have a new "why".  My "why" is about my family and financial security. Find your "why" and remember it when times feel less then ideal.

Live In The Now:

Yes we all want to reach our dreams but sometimes we get so worked up in the "if only's" that we forget about the right now. It is not always easy to enjoy the journey as many times we feel stressed or pushed outside our comfort zones. Just know the journey is only molding you to be the person you want to be, so it is important we pay attention along the way. I can get really focused on all the steps and check lists that I forget to enjoy the relationships built along the way.  One phrase that I try to remember is "this is not a sprint it's a marathon", take time to enjoy the journey.

Don't Place Limit On Your Dream:

Dream big and dream more and dream often. Do not dream practical, dream a real dream and pursue it for real. So many of us love to talk about our goals as if they are our dreams, but often our dreams are much bigger. Our goals are what we consider attainable, but who says our dreams are not? Once we stop putting a limit on our dreams we can really start getting somewhere! Write down your dream and own it. 

Remember only you have the power to place a limit on your dreams

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