Monday, August 22, 2016

5 Ways Daily Detox

Five Ways To Daily 

Guess what....You need to detox! We all do and can truly benefit from a good (safe) detox. I am a believer in listening to what your body is telling you, and starting a detox should be the same way. Whatever detox regimen you choose I have a few daily tips to keep your body on track.  

Reasons to Start a Detox

  1. Rid body of environmental toxins
  2. Help body systems function better
  3. Aid in digestion
  4. Support healthy weight 
  5.  Improve mood
  6. Decrease fatigue 

Steps to Eliminate The Toxins:

  1. Chemical free home
  2. Healthy organic food
  3. Chemical free personal care products
  4. Be mindful of air quality 

Five Ways to Detox Daily

Water Intake:

Drink a minimum of 70 oz of CLEAN water (or half of your body weight in water) every single day. Water naturally supports your body’s natural elimination/detoxifying process. Drink a fluoride free, filtered water. To increase detoxification you can add distilled water to your regimen, which acts like a vacuum to pull heavy metals from your body.  Add your citrus essential oils to your water to aid in the cleansing process in your body.  Citrus Vitality essential oils can help detoxify your fat cells making it easier for your body to use the “clean” fat to burn for energy.  Fat is a first line of defense for toxins, so by cleaning your fat cells of toxins your body will have a smoother appearance (wink) and your body will use the fat for energy.  


Workout every single day, even if it is only for 10 minutes. Increased circulation aids in natural detoxification, to increase circulation you need to increase blood flow.  Walking, stretching, Yoga, Biking, and aerobics are all great ways to get your blood pumping and support detoxification.  Lemongrass and cypress are both essential oils that aid in health circulation.

Get Your Greens On:

Eat greens every day, whether it is a big salad or green smoothie, find a way to fit in fresh green.  If you have a hard time getting greens into your diet start out small, add a side salad with lunch or add kale to a morning smoothie. This is the list of detoxifying foods:
Avocados, Asparagus, Artichoke, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Dandelions, Garlic, Ginger, Grapefruit , Kale, and Wheat grass.
If you need help in the greens area you can also take a daily MultiGreens Capsule from Young Living.


Your body cleanses itself while you sleep, with the liver doing a lot of its dirty work in the early morning hours. Pulling an all-nighter, or even staying up to watch a late night show will put you in a position to miss out on the deeper sleep cycles that occur before midnight. Be sure to get up early as well, because you don’t sleep through the hours when your body naturally wants to purge itself of waste. Letting your bowel movement fester, or holding back your urine until later in the morning can lead to it being reabsorbed by the body.

Young Living Products to Support Detox

ICPuses an advanced mix of colon-cleansing fibers and essential oils, such as psyllium, oat bran, flax, and fennel seed to decrease the buildup of wastes, improve nutrient absorption, and help maintain a healthy heart.

Cleansing Trio Kit contains the products you need to cleanse your system and eliminate waste by supporting normal liver function. Augmented with herbs that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential oils, the Cleansing Trio promotes energy and a sense of well-being. Kit includes Essentialzyme, ComforTone, and ICP.

Rehemogen: combines natural ingredients that promote digestion and cleansing.

ParaFree Soft Gels: ParaFree softgels contain an advanced blend of cleansing essential oils, as well as sesame seed and olive oils.

Detoxzyme Capsules: combines powerful enzymes that promote the body's digestion, detoxification, and cleansing, which support overall health.

ComforTone capsules: contain an effective combination of herbs and essential oils that support the health of the digestive system by eliminating residues from the colon and enhancing its natural ability to function optimally. It also promotes liver, gall bladder, and stomach health.

JuvaCleanse®: is a premium blend of pure essential oils that includes the naturally occurring constituents neryl acetate, gamma-curcumene, and alpha-pinene.

Detox Video Recording:

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