Thursday, July 28, 2016

I Got My Kit..Now What?

Got my what?

You got your what?  We can all remember how exciting it was to get that beautiful box with all of those little oils, but how do we start using them?  Below I outline a few ways to get the ball rolling with using your oils.

Get Them Out of The Box

Yes the Premium Starter box is beautiful and even has a way to keep them on display...but you will never get into a great essential oil routine until you get them out of the box! Getting them out of the box allows you to have an oil at an arms reach when you need them.  Remember you have not used essential oils before, so why would you use them now unless it is very easy.  Seeing that bottle of lemon sitting by your sink will remind you to add a drop to your water...placing lavender on your nightstand will prompt you to apply to your big toe before your Stress Away in your bag and apply before work. You get the picture, the easier it is to grab the more likely you are to use them. 

What Were Your Health Goals?

When you decided to buy the Premium Starter kit what were your reasons? Did someone have a good testimony that really stuck with you? Did you here all the cool uses and felt that these little oils might be a good investment? Whatever the reason you bought the kit is what your focus should be now that you have the kit.  Sit down and write out your health goals and focus on that as your first oil goal.

Get Out Your Reference Guide 

How are you to use these oils and know what oil is good for this or that? Your Reference guides! If you don't have one, Google "Essential Oil Reference Guide" and a million will pop-up.  Look at the reviews or ask whoever signed you up to recommend a book for you to use. You can even research your health goals or specific oil on Pinterest.  YOU are in control and must take this step to becoming an oily ninja.  Once you know which oil or oils to use, start using them often. 


This is an important part of using essential oils. I would never use any oil outside of Young Living, why? because I did my research and only stand behind Young Living's quality and commitment to the Seed to Seal promise.  Number one safety tip...when (not if) you get essential oils in your eye, use a carrier oil (olive, coconut, almond ect.) and rub it around the outside of your eye to relieve the burning.  Water will drive the oil deeper, a fatty oil with dilute the oil.  Do not put oils directly into your eyesor ears on purpose...and dilute if it happens.  Use glass or stainless steel to drink your citrus oils out of...these oils will breakdown the petrochemicals in the plastic and ruin your cups.  Dilute oils on children and pets, also use a vita flex chart for ease of use with little ones.  Start using your oils slowly, they will detox your body (yay!) but we don't want that to happen too fast. When applying any citrus oil topically avoid the direct sun on that part of your skin for 12-24 hours. 

Complimentary Products 

There are a million products on the market for using our essential oils and making it even easier. From travel bags, roller top bottles, containers, and capsules you can find many ways to incorporate essential oils into your life. 
Two products I think everyone should order from after they get a kit are the roller fitments and veggie capsules:

AromaGlide Roller Fitments 10 pk item number 4578

Get to a Class and Host a Class 

Going to classes is not only a great way to learn more but to make some great oily friends. I must be so dense because I learn something new at every single class I attend, which is awesome.  Some of the best people I have met have been through Young Living and hosting classes. It is so great to see people meeting their health goals and is the main reason I still host classes monthly.  Host a class...everyone should be sharing why they love Young Living essential oils, you do not have to be an expert to have a class, you can just share what you know or have your leader come and teach for you!

Wish List

With every Premium Starter Kit comes a Young Living it and start making the products you think will benefit you!  There are dozens of wonderful products to help rid your life of toxins, maintain great health, and support every system in you body. When I opened the catalog I love that all the oil blends are labeled so you would know which one you need like "Common Sense" "Forgiveness" and "Joy".  I personally love the supplements and have made some break throughs in my health personally by getting in a good supplement habit.  

Cook With Your Oils 

There are so many ways to use essential oils in your life and my favorite is to add them to my drinks and food. The title is misleading because cooking is not my thing...but yummy tasting food is.  Essential oils should not expire for a very LONG time...making them great to use as seasoning! When I went through my seasoning cabinet I was shocked that most expired ten years ago...Gross. The best part of using essential oils for cooking is it only takes a drop in your already planned recipe and BAM the flavor is amazing! Thieves in your morning cup of coffee....Peppermint added to your favorite dessert...lemon added to your smoothie.  The list goes on and Young Living even has an awesome kit with a variety of oils for your kitchen..The Young Living Culinary Collection.

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